The 4th Company, Brigade of Guards is not for the timid. As a whole, the Foot Guards were and are among the finest soldiers in the world. The Guards are steeped in a proud tradition of service, courage, and dedication. As a unit of reenactors, we do our best to adhere to those principles, with exacting standards we rigidly adhered to. We do take seriously the responsibility we have in honoring the soldiers who fought so bravely over two centuries ago.
As a Recruit, you will be expected to acquire your kit in a reasonable timeframe (usually 1 year), master the manual of arms, crisply perform marching evolutions, and handle your arms in a safe fashion. We suggest that a potential member come and “visit” with us at a few events before taking the King’s shilling. We can provide you with the essentials and give you a chance to be a Guardsman without causing too much strain on a recruit’s finances. After a few events, if you decide to stay, then, the real fun begins! A lot is expected, but, all of the members of the 4th Company are here to help you.
Still interested in being “Second to None?” We hope so! Send a message to our recruiting sergeant and you will receive a response within a few days. Or, if the form below does not work for you, email us directly at